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Meet Kim

A Passionate Defender of Marginalized Communities

Kim Jackson serves as Senator for Georgia State Senate District 41, representing portions of DeKalb County. Kim works every day to build a safer, fairer, and more prosperous Georgia, and bring the diverse voices of her district to the Capitol: immigrants, refugees, and people living on the margins.

In her first years, Kim has defended our voting rights against relentless attacks; authored life-saving legislation for stalking victims which passed both chambers unanimously; secured unprecedented funds for Black farmers; started serving as co-chair of the Mental Health Caucus; and earned appointment to the Georgia Commission on Family Violence. In this year’s session, Kim passed legislation to create an Address Confidentiality Program for victims/survivors of domestic violence, stalking violence, and human trafficking.

Kim speaking on the Senate floor
Pictures of Kim with her goats and chickens plus one of her with her spouse and their newborn

Faith, Family, and the Farm

An Episcopal priest from the rural South, Kim made Georgia home over a decade ago. After graduating from Furman University, Kim volunteered as an EMT and led her colleagues at Emory’s Candler School of Theology to advocate for Criminal Justice Reform in Georgia. Upon receiving her Master of Divinity, Kim commenced her vocation as an Episcopal priest. Over the past 10 years of ministry, she has served as a college chaplain, a nationally renowned consultant and preacher, and a parish priest. As the Vicar of the Church of the Common Ground, Kim co-creates Church with people who are experiencing homelessness in downtown Atlanta.

Kim and her family live in Stone Mountain. She and her wife are stewards of a small urban farm in Georgia that hosts goats, ducks, honeybees, rabbits, and chickens.

Kim in the Community

Kim on the Senate Floor

Click above to hear Kim talk to media about a change to a bill to add language banning puberty blocking medication

Click above to hear Kim deliver a floor speech on SB 180, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Click above to hear Kim deliver a Senate speech on SB 83 that changes eligibility for restraining orders for stalking